
Venevision´s campaign “Somos Lo Que Queremos” (We Are Who We Want To Be) was selected as a finalist
for a PR News Corporate Social
Responsibility Award in the category of Video Initiative among a group of
the most powerful campaigns launched in the Americas, including “Through the
Eyes of a Phone - It Can Wait” by AT&T and Viacom, “Moving Forward” by International
Flavors & Fragrances, “7 Continents in 7 Years” by Viridian, “Meals per
Hour” by Toyota & 360i, and “Teen Driver Video Challenge” by Toyota and
Discovery Education, initiatives that according to PR News set new standards of
excellence and lead the way for other organizations to follow.
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Regarding this important achievement, Maria Ignacia Arcaya, Corporate Social
Responsibility Director at Cisneros
said that “to be selected as a finalist already makes us proud. It also challenges us to continue our CSR work
with initiatives as successful as the ‘Somos Lo Que Queremos’ campaign, which
has been so well received by the television audience and social media followers
with its focus on self-improvement and community coexistence.”
This past November “Somos Lo Que Queremos” was recognized with a Corresponsables Award in Madrid as
one of the best projects in the Large Companies category. The winners of the PR News Corporate Social Responsibility Awards will be announced on
April 7th during a luncheon at The National Press Club in Washington, D.C.